Monday, June 26, 2006

Let the insanity begin...

This weekend was quite busy. We worked on siding and got a good portion of the bay window done and got the scary spot on the high part of the of the house finally finished. Sunday we headed to St. Stan's festival and headed immediately for the beer tent. The polka band was in full swing. I love to catch a buzz and watch the little old people dance around....its the simple things in life. Grabbed an elephant ear and ogled men.

This morning I was actually able to get cleaned up "Praise Jeebus" so I climbed back in bed with Scoob and let him fuck me silly early this morning. He dumped two loads in me by the time he was done. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

Scooby's once a day med regiment is still fucking with him. After he takes his meds he gets dizzy and has extreme abdominal cramps. I dragged him to the store this morning and it was almost to much for him, he almost puked by the time I got him home. He's also been extremely tired.

Our fireworks party is next Monday and I'm making a shit load of food. So far I've planned on making:

1. Potato Salad
2. Taco Salad
3. Deviled eggs
4. relish tray
5. Veggie tray
6. BBQ meatballs
7. Queso with chips (Scooby actually makes that one.)
8. Apple crisp
9. Flag cake

OY! I feel I'm forgetting something. I might do baked beans also. And maybe some kind of cajun dish like Jumbalaya. Scooby's is gonna fill the hotdog steamer with hotdogs also. That and we're gonna have a keg and 15 gal. of cocktails in the drink machine. The fireworks celebration is always 3 days long with the last day being the big fireworks night which is on Monday July 3rd. So I have all weekend to put the food together. Yea!

I bought a bigger kiddie pool this year to put the cold food in and have already started freezing two litre's with water to chill it. The house is an under construction disaster. I'm hoping Scooby will start packing away his tools and shit this week. I've got to make a trip to Gordon's food service for the bbq meatballs and more plates and napkins. Then a trip to the fruit market then I think I'm ready to start making some food. Oh yeah, we gotta go out and get liquor also.

Let the insanity begin...

If anyone reading this is gonna be in the area, your more then welcome to come! The more the merrier! Let me know and I'll give you directions.


AJ said...

Damn! I think it might be worth a plane ticket to bring you out to cater my next event! Sounds like you guys will have a great time! Enjoy!

Michael said...

I'd cater for you anytime!