Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Goodbye Chuck D.

Monday Scooby was checking his email and a local gay group sent an email letting everyone know that one of there members had died. I've known Chuck D. since I started going to the "Berg" about 20 yrs. ago. We'd sit and shoot the shit over drinks. He'd come to most of our parties. I always enjoyed seeing him. It was just discovered that he was murdered in his home in Saginaw.

The thought of this makes me so sad, I've been on the verge of tears since I found out. Goodbye Chuck we'll miss you guy.

Update: Link to details

and here


Homer said...

Mike, I'm sorry to read about this.

Will said...

This was a terrible act, Mike, and I'm sorry to here you've lost a friend this way.

seeking said...

i'm sorry for your loss babe. he will always be remembered.

Michael said...

Thanks guys, I guess I'm just kind of in shock. You never expect things like this to happen to people you know.