Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Nothing much going on. Trying to get the yard winterized, you know empty the water features, dump the potted flowers and pack away the pots, collect leaves ect.. Boring stuff. I tried to take a pic of my scooter today but my camera is fucked up.

Halloween is around the corner and I've been thinking about going as Amy Winehouse. I got the wig, but haven't planned much else, so it might be skag drag Amy. The thing is she wears such skimpy outfits and I'd have just too much hair to shave off, arms, legs, chest. It ain't gonna happen, the beard alone is going under alot of debate. I haven't seen my bare face in years.....

In other news...... My Dr. put me on antidepressants. Started out on Zoloft, that lasted less then a week. Sorry but if I can't keep an erection through sex how is that suppose to help depression. Now I'm on Welbutrin? I think. Have been on that for a couple of weeks and the only difference I see is the constant headache. Seriously I dont' think I'm that depressed to bother, so I think I'm just gonna quit the pill shit and do what my ancesters did, suck it up.

Anyway that is it for the shit.....

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