Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We got back from New Orleans in one piece. Last Thursday Scooby came down with a cold or so we thought. By Sunday morning he couldn't get out of bed because of the severe pain in his right leg and ankel and left elbow. The areas were red and swollen and hot to the touch. Since he has no insurance he decided to wait till Monday and see if he could get in to his regular Dr.. He tried to get around Sunday with the crutches we have but it ended up being easier to use a desk chair with wheels to move him to the bathroom ect..

Monday I went to a local Pharmacy and rented a wheel chair to tranport him to the Dr.. The Doc thinks he has some kind of skin infection and put him on a couple of antibiotics. They seem to work since he has started to get around again and told me today that I could take the wheelchair back on Wednesday. Nothing like a health scare to start the New Year.

Oh and some words of wisdom, if your parnter becomes wheelchair bound they don't think its very funny to mention Baby Jane........


Will said...

Wish him well for me--and a good 2009 to you both.

Homer said...

You didn't serve him rat did you???

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad to hear he's on the mend! Sounded awful!