Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Mardi Gras!!!

Sorry I haven't much to say. Scooby has had a relapse. They did blood work on him Friday to see if they could find out why he has severe pain in his muscles and joints. He's been sleeping about 90% of the time and has been confined to the couch. Luckily this time he is still able to get up and get himself to the bathroom ect.. So basically life is just work, house work and taking care of him right now.

Update: Scooby just called me to let me know he can't get off the couch. So it looks like I'll be heading home early and probably renting a wheelchair again. This worries me alot, plus it sucks that I have to work. I really wish Johnny hadn't of died recently, he was a healthcare worker and a very dependable friend that I could have counted on....


Tom said...


Has he been checked for a staph infection? If not, you may want to ask.

Michael said...

Tom thanks so much for your input, I can use as much as I can get.

They ran blood work on him last Friday and we are still waiting to hear back.

We will def. ask about a staph infection.

Again Thank you!!

Will said...

Sending my best to both of you--Scooby to get better, you to have the stamina to get through everything you have to do now.

Take care of yourself, Mike.