This is too scary...
Thank you Michigan Catholic Conference
"The bill allows health care workers to refuse service to anyone on moral, ethical or religious grounds"
Gee, If I was a health care worker, could I refuse to treat Catholics...HA
Thank God my doctor is a homo...
From the Banks of the Dirty Titt
Life and other random shit on my life in Bay City...A sleepy little drinking town, with a fishing problem...
If you find yourself driving through hell....don't pick up hitchhikers....
"I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intensions"...Augusten Burroughs
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Finally spring is here
After about six months I was finally able to go outside without a coat on today. FUCK YEAH! I do have to say it did help lighten my mood alot. It's amazing what the sun will do, to bad it's only around for 1/2 the year.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Weekend recap
We had a good drive up north to visit "T". Other than all the trees and ground was still dormant, dead and grey looking. We spent Friday and Saturday morning pounding the hell outta T's ass. We fucked him every which way, fucking him from both ends, double stuffing him, and just taking turns watching each other fuck him. Needless to say six fucks and five huge loads later T's ass was filled and done.
Things didn't work out for Mac and I's last fuck date on Wednesday. He ended up having stuff come up and then so did I this weekend so I didn't even get to see him before he left. If your reading this, sorry I didn't make it in to Saginaw to say goodbye, good luck in Cali. Hopefully well get out there one of these days and see ya.
We got back home Saturday and headed over to our friend Thurston's with cocktails in hand. Thurston is a pack rat and had just acquired a 70's console stereo. So we helped rearrange things in an upstairs backroom so he could listen to his vinyl while he's on his computer. He's got so many records that we ended up getting drunk and listening to everything from Paul Robeson singing "Old Man River" on a 78 to Xavier Cugat also on 78. This is the reason I didn't make it into Saginaw Saturday night, I confess I was too drunk to drive. We ended the evening finding the first album of Sesame Street and drunkly singing the theme song and "Somebody come and Play", and "I love Trash", which Scooby and I dedicated to Thurston and his love of old broken things...aka TRASH.
Sunday morning Scooby and I went and took my dad out for Easter brunch then after a few hours of visiting we left and spent the rest of the afternoon at Thurston's drinking again. We spent the first few hours trying to pry his back wheel well back out after a slight mishap earlier in the week with a semi truck. Then it was back up stairs to drink more and listen to more records.
Things didn't work out for Mac and I's last fuck date on Wednesday. He ended up having stuff come up and then so did I this weekend so I didn't even get to see him before he left. If your reading this, sorry I didn't make it in to Saginaw to say goodbye, good luck in Cali. Hopefully well get out there one of these days and see ya.
We got back home Saturday and headed over to our friend Thurston's with cocktails in hand. Thurston is a pack rat and had just acquired a 70's console stereo. So we helped rearrange things in an upstairs backroom so he could listen to his vinyl while he's on his computer. He's got so many records that we ended up getting drunk and listening to everything from Paul Robeson singing "Old Man River" on a 78 to Xavier Cugat also on 78. This is the reason I didn't make it into Saginaw Saturday night, I confess I was too drunk to drive. We ended the evening finding the first album of Sesame Street and drunkly singing the theme song and "Somebody come and Play", and "I love Trash", which Scooby and I dedicated to Thurston and his love of old broken things...aka TRASH.
Sunday morning Scooby and I went and took my dad out for Easter brunch then after a few hours of visiting we left and spent the rest of the afternoon at Thurston's drinking again. We spent the first few hours trying to pry his back wheel well back out after a slight mishap earlier in the week with a semi truck. Then it was back up stairs to drink more and listen to more records.
Monday, March 21, 2005
Shitsa happening
All kindsa things are happening around here. First of all Bambi is dead and I'm not talking about the cute little deer from Disney. Bambi is/was the obese owner of "Bambi's Bottoms Up" the local gay bar which was your basic little fire trap of a dance club. Actually he wasn't the actual owner of anything, because of few bankruptcies he had everything in other people's names. I feel really indifferent about his death considering his cocaine use/habit has fucked up alot of our young local gay men. He had turned a once fun local dance club into a sad mess that we eventually boycotted. Needless to say I didn't go to the funeral but we did joke about going, just to give him a VCR (Visible Coke Ring) around his nostrils. Already considering lifting our boycott and going back to the bar, hopefully this change will be for the good. fingers crossed...
This Wednesday Mac and I are having our last fuckdate. He leaves this weekend to start anew in California. Man I'm going to miss our afternoons of him fucking the hell outta my ass. He's a super fun top and I highly doubt if I find a man as HOT as him to be a replacement. Dam Dam Dam
Got plans for a Good Friday fuckfest. T our cute furry friend from last fall is single again so we're going up to his place Friday and fuck him silly. Looking forward to double stuffing his hot juicy butt among other things. We promised to leave him sloshing by the time we leave, which will be no problem.
Our driveway is about 50% submerged with all the melted snow. We bought a little pump last week and I'm hoping Scooby used it to drain some of the water or else we are going to have a serious mudd swamp problem. Looking forward to a short week this week having Good Friday off and all.
This Wednesday Mac and I are having our last fuckdate. He leaves this weekend to start anew in California. Man I'm going to miss our afternoons of him fucking the hell outta my ass. He's a super fun top and I highly doubt if I find a man as HOT as him to be a replacement. Dam Dam Dam
Got plans for a Good Friday fuckfest. T our cute furry friend from last fall is single again so we're going up to his place Friday and fuck him silly. Looking forward to double stuffing his hot juicy butt among other things. We promised to leave him sloshing by the time we leave, which will be no problem.
Our driveway is about 50% submerged with all the melted snow. We bought a little pump last week and I'm hoping Scooby used it to drain some of the water or else we are going to have a serious mudd swamp problem. Looking forward to a short week this week having Good Friday off and all.
Friday, March 18, 2005
Cookie Mueller
I just finished Cookie Mueller's book "Walking through Clear Water in a Pool Painted Black". What a hoot! Cookie was a regular in John Waters early films and lived a very colorful and exciting life. The book is short stories of Cookies life, from being invited to join Charles Manson's gang to accidentally burning down her friends house. I had several LOL moments reading this book. Cookie died of AIDS related illness in 1989. Thanks for the laughs Cookie, we miss you.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
My father retired from GM when I was in 3rd grade. My mother, being fed up with the cold Michigan winters had already decided that we were not going to spend another winter in Michigan if she had any say about it. And considering she wore the pants in the family, mom's decisions were final. Mom's sister, my aunt Belle and her husband were already spending winters out in Tucson, AZ so that was our winter destination. The idea of moving was scaring the bejesus out of me and it didn't help that my great Aunt Flossie's new husband Bob told me to watch out cuz the Indians out there would scalp me.
Up to this point we had lived out in the country on our 40 acre farm in between the two very small villages of Lees Corners and Smith's Crossing. Every Sunday Mom and I went to the little Methodist church in Smith's Crossing which was right down the street from my elementary school. Most of the kids I knew came from farming families and everyone knew everyone or close to it. It was your basic three degrees of separation.
It was all planned that we would leave after Christmas and drive out there in our old green Pontiac and get me in my new school just when all the kids were coming back from Christmas break. My parents decided instead of having to find a place to live when we got out there, that we'd just bring our folddown camper and live in that for the season. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that mom's other sister, my aunt Jackie was going to go with us, so that made 3 adults, 1 kid and a poodle all living in a camper.
Anyway Christmas came and after we opened up our gifts we tore down our artificial tree and packed all the Christmas stuff away and prepared for our trip. The day after Christmas we were on our way out west and so began our new Christmas tradition of being snowbirds. The trip basically broke me of my normal carsickness. Aunt Jackie and I sat in the back seat and played tic tac toe most of the trip which helped keep my mind off of being carsick.
We stopped in Colorado to visit my Aunt Bea. She was the widow of my Uncle Du, who was one of mom and Aunt Jackie's brothers. Uncle Do and Aunt Jackies husband Uncle Clem both died of cancer around the time I was born. Aunt Bea's youngest daughter Carol was my age. Carol was very clumsy and always getting hurt one way or the other. (years later we found out that Carol wasn't clumsy at all, that in fact she was getting beaten up by Aunt Bea). That afternoon the adults visited and caught up over cocktails. Mean while Carol and I hung out in the back yard and she told me the story of how she fell down an embankment, explaining the reason for the bruises on her arms and legs. During that visit Aunt Bea told a story of how she was seeking guidance from her minister since she was windowed with 4 kids to raise. She said that he told her, "Bea, you just have to pray" and she told him right back, "You pray...I did...and God don't give a dam!" Man, did that make my everyone laugh.
We got to Tucson and found a travel trailer park called Ramada Camp Inn right off the highway at the end of Prince road and that's where we decided to call home. I got enrolled at Walter Douglas elementary. The school was bizarre, unlike my school back home which was one building, each grade at Walter Douglas had their own round building with wavy clam shell type roofs. I was taken to my class and introduced to my teacher Mrs. R.. She showed me to an empty desk and explained that all the kids were at recess and to just take a seat because they would be coming back shortly. And sure enough the kids started filing in soon after each one eyeing me as they walked in. A girl wearing a butterfly sleeve top with layered shoulder length hair who was bordering on being popeyed sat next to me. She turned to me and proudly announced in one breath, "Hi I'm Georgianne my mom's a stripper".
Up to this point we had lived out in the country on our 40 acre farm in between the two very small villages of Lees Corners and Smith's Crossing. Every Sunday Mom and I went to the little Methodist church in Smith's Crossing which was right down the street from my elementary school. Most of the kids I knew came from farming families and everyone knew everyone or close to it. It was your basic three degrees of separation.
It was all planned that we would leave after Christmas and drive out there in our old green Pontiac and get me in my new school just when all the kids were coming back from Christmas break. My parents decided instead of having to find a place to live when we got out there, that we'd just bring our folddown camper and live in that for the season. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that mom's other sister, my aunt Jackie was going to go with us, so that made 3 adults, 1 kid and a poodle all living in a camper.
Anyway Christmas came and after we opened up our gifts we tore down our artificial tree and packed all the Christmas stuff away and prepared for our trip. The day after Christmas we were on our way out west and so began our new Christmas tradition of being snowbirds. The trip basically broke me of my normal carsickness. Aunt Jackie and I sat in the back seat and played tic tac toe most of the trip which helped keep my mind off of being carsick.
We stopped in Colorado to visit my Aunt Bea. She was the widow of my Uncle Du, who was one of mom and Aunt Jackie's brothers. Uncle Do and Aunt Jackies husband Uncle Clem both died of cancer around the time I was born. Aunt Bea's youngest daughter Carol was my age. Carol was very clumsy and always getting hurt one way or the other. (years later we found out that Carol wasn't clumsy at all, that in fact she was getting beaten up by Aunt Bea). That afternoon the adults visited and caught up over cocktails. Mean while Carol and I hung out in the back yard and she told me the story of how she fell down an embankment, explaining the reason for the bruises on her arms and legs. During that visit Aunt Bea told a story of how she was seeking guidance from her minister since she was windowed with 4 kids to raise. She said that he told her, "Bea, you just have to pray" and she told him right back, "You pray...I did...and God don't give a dam!" Man, did that make my everyone laugh.
We got to Tucson and found a travel trailer park called Ramada Camp Inn right off the highway at the end of Prince road and that's where we decided to call home. I got enrolled at Walter Douglas elementary. The school was bizarre, unlike my school back home which was one building, each grade at Walter Douglas had their own round building with wavy clam shell type roofs. I was taken to my class and introduced to my teacher Mrs. R.. She showed me to an empty desk and explained that all the kids were at recess and to just take a seat because they would be coming back shortly. And sure enough the kids started filing in soon after each one eyeing me as they walked in. A girl wearing a butterfly sleeve top with layered shoulder length hair who was bordering on being popeyed sat next to me. She turned to me and proudly announced in one breath, "Hi I'm Georgianne my mom's a stripper".
Friday, March 11, 2005
Don't like the weather...wait 5 minutes
So help me God, if we get anymore fucking severe snow storms I'm gonna scream and claw my face! My mom always said, "If ya don't like the weather in Michigan...wait 5 minutes". It was so fucking true tonight.
I go into the Art Gallery to clean and when I go in everything is all fine and dandy. I get my cleaning supplies out of the basement and go back upstairs and I can barely see out the windows its snowing so bad...I mean whiteout kinda snow storm. I start freaking out and hurry to get my cleaning done so I can leave work early and start on my 20 mile trek home. By the time I get done cleaning and get over to my other building to punch out, the storm has stopped. It was fucking insane...we got like 1-2 inches in a matter of 15 minutes then it was over. I decided to stick it out till the end of my shift, this way the roads might be clear and there won't be so many people out there driving all stupid.
We were planning on going out tonight, but if the roads are still bad maybe we'll just stay home get drunk and go sledding. Might as well make the best of this shit and help preserve my sanity in the process.
I go into the Art Gallery to clean and when I go in everything is all fine and dandy. I get my cleaning supplies out of the basement and go back upstairs and I can barely see out the windows its snowing so bad...I mean whiteout kinda snow storm. I start freaking out and hurry to get my cleaning done so I can leave work early and start on my 20 mile trek home. By the time I get done cleaning and get over to my other building to punch out, the storm has stopped. It was fucking insane...we got like 1-2 inches in a matter of 15 minutes then it was over. I decided to stick it out till the end of my shift, this way the roads might be clear and there won't be so many people out there driving all stupid.
We were planning on going out tonight, but if the roads are still bad maybe we'll just stay home get drunk and go sledding. Might as well make the best of this shit and help preserve my sanity in the process.
Monday, March 07, 2005
"Queer Eye for the Dirt Poor Queer Guy"
Had a boring weekend. Painted trim in various areas around the house that needed painting. Then today I used my snow shovel to shovel the water out of the swamp/mud pit which was once our driveway and into the street. Had several rubber neckers looky looing me while I was doing it, gawd I love to be on display, NOT. Ended up having water run 1/2 way down the block. I probably should just break down and have the dam thing paved this year.
Also watched the "Queer Eye for the Straight Girl" marathon this weekend. Danny is hottie. But honestly watching all those fabulous homo's with their clear complextions was a bit depressing. Reminded me that I really need to get the spider veins on my face zapped before my 20 yr. class reunion this year, that's if I go. A derm abrasion treatment would be best, but I bet its more than I can afford. I wonder if my electric sander would work....just kidding...
They need to have "Queer Eye for the Dirt Poor Queer Guy". Fuck I could use a new wardrobe, spa treatment and an ego boost. We should help out and promote our own instead of the straight people. But then they wouldn't get the straight viewers and that's what its all about...viewers, ratings and money, money, money.
Also watched the "Queer Eye for the Straight Girl" marathon this weekend. Danny is hottie. But honestly watching all those fabulous homo's with their clear complextions was a bit depressing. Reminded me that I really need to get the spider veins on my face zapped before my 20 yr. class reunion this year, that's if I go. A derm abrasion treatment would be best, but I bet its more than I can afford. I wonder if my electric sander would work....just kidding...
They need to have "Queer Eye for the Dirt Poor Queer Guy". Fuck I could use a new wardrobe, spa treatment and an ego boost. We should help out and promote our own instead of the straight people. But then they wouldn't get the straight viewers and that's what its all about...viewers, ratings and money, money, money.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
In like a Lion out like a Lamb
My mom would always say this about March. That if it came in like a lion (bad snowstorm)that it would go out like a lamb (mild weather) and vice versa that if it came in like a lamb it would go out like a lion. This is definately an "In like a Lion" year. The storm started Monday afternoon and is still going. It's been a creeper storm, just a continual light snow that adds up before you know it. I made it home from work last night from my 20 mile drive home wondering if anyone had notified the snowplow guys that it was snowing out.
Got out this morning and snowblowed and it looked like the plows still haven't gone through. The drifts in our driveway and sidewalk are at least 3 feet tall. Once I got the snow cleared from around the cars, driveway and sidewalk I decided that I should call my dad and cancel our weekly Tuesday lunch. He still lives out in the country on the remaining acre of our 40 acre farm and there is no way that I could make it out there in this weather.
Weekend update
IM'ed Mac Sunday morning to say hi and see if he wanted to hook up Wednesday for a playdate. He said he'd really like some today. Then on a fluke I threw out the idea, " I guess you could come over and you and Scooby can take turns on my ass". That left him speechless, but by the end of our IM he said if we weren't busy that he'd come over that afternoon and that left me a little speechless. Needless to say had a wonderful Sunday afternoon having them take turns on my ass and mouth. Man I was in doggy heaven pleasing these two hot guys and having their cocks sliding in and out of me. What a workout! I hope we can get together for another round before Mac leaves for Cali, but if that was the last hurrah, it definately was a memorable afternoon.
Got out this morning and snowblowed and it looked like the plows still haven't gone through. The drifts in our driveway and sidewalk are at least 3 feet tall. Once I got the snow cleared from around the cars, driveway and sidewalk I decided that I should call my dad and cancel our weekly Tuesday lunch. He still lives out in the country on the remaining acre of our 40 acre farm and there is no way that I could make it out there in this weather.
Weekend update
IM'ed Mac Sunday morning to say hi and see if he wanted to hook up Wednesday for a playdate. He said he'd really like some today. Then on a fluke I threw out the idea, " I guess you could come over and you and Scooby can take turns on my ass". That left him speechless, but by the end of our IM he said if we weren't busy that he'd come over that afternoon and that left me a little speechless. Needless to say had a wonderful Sunday afternoon having them take turns on my ass and mouth. Man I was in doggy heaven pleasing these two hot guys and having their cocks sliding in and out of me. What a workout! I hope we can get together for another round before Mac leaves for Cali, but if that was the last hurrah, it definately was a memorable afternoon.
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