Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I'm so fucking high! Not drug or alcohol induced high, but a natural "last day of work" high. YEA! No more vacuuming and mopping up salt for the next 18 fucking days! I do have a 2 hour house cleaning job tomorrow but that's nuttin. This has got to be the longest time I've had off of work since I was 16....I think. God if I felt this good all the time, I could rule the world.

When I was really little we use to spend Christmas eve at my grandma's (mother's side) and Christmas day at my other grandma's (father's side). By the time I was in third grade my mom's mom had died and my dad had retired. Mom hated the winter's as much as I have come to, so we started snow birding out to Tucson. We'd stay in Michigan until Christmas then the day after we'd tear down the tree load up the trailer and hit the road...

Now. I have a job that gives me the week between Christmas and New Years off with pay and Scooby and I have been going to New Orleans for the last 4-5 yrs for a week over the Christmas Holiday. Funny how life repeats itself. I'm really trying to resist the urge to tear down the tree before we leave on vacation. I keep telling myself, we're going to be back in a week, I don't have to tear down the tree. It's not like when I was a kid and we we're gone till school got out for the summer.

I'm going to try and leave it up.

In other news....I sold one of my snowmen birdhouses today. Personally I thought that the Gallery was asking too much for them and didn't expect them to sell. Asking price...$42 bucks...ouch! I get $25 of that so I'm happy. Funny thing is it was bought by the person who used to run the Gallery...and I though she didn't really like me.

I can't believe how much I'm blogging. I used to post only twice a week. Now sometimes it's twice a day. Don't get used to it though cuz once I'm back from vacation and get done telling all the sorted tales of the event I'll probably fall into the winter blah's.

Gonna do a little bit of work on the house before we leave next week. Gonna try and at least crawl under the house and insulate the floors....and run some more water lines for the future second bathroom. Fun Fun

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