From the Banks of the Dirty Titt
Life and other random shit on my life in Bay City...A sleepy little drinking town, with a fishing problem...
If you find yourself driving through hell....don't pick up hitchhikers....
"I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intensions"...Augusten Burroughs
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Probably another half baked plan
Today we had a Bloodborne Pathogens class at work. The tape we watched told us that there is no cure for HIV/Aids and that it is considered a terminal illness. Gee I wish they would tell that to the Social Security office. My friend Johnny who died last year fought for several years with SS to be declared disabled. What I'm finding out is they deny everyone, once your denied then you have to hire a lawyer and that normally takes an average of three years fighting in court. Johnny died less then a year after he was finally declared disabled.
I've brought this up because I've been considering applying for SS disability. With in the last couple of years I've been having increasing problems with my legs. It started with numbness now I'm having chronic pain in most of my joints and muscles. My Dr. is kind of a flake and tells me that I should just be happy that my numbers are good. My father even commented that I was hobbling this week. I'm starting to come to the conclusion that I'm not going to be able to do manual labor for many more years and that kind of scares me.
First of all I now that I will be denied, cuz well duh, I have a full time job. With out my full time job I wouldn't be able to pay the mortgage on the house. The one good thing is that when someone finally is declared disabled then "supposably" they get back pay from when they first applied. With my learning disabilities there's no way I could go back to school, hell I got half of the stupid questions wrong on the fucking bloodborne pathogens quiz at the end of the movie today.
Sooo I'm thinking that I should apply now and continue to work for as long as I can. Then when we finish the house, sell it, I probably won't be able to afford the house payment once the fixed rate ends in a couple of years anyway. Then I'm thinking that instead of buying a house in NOLA maybe we should buy a used motor home instead and just travel.
Its just a thought....
I've brought this up because I've been considering applying for SS disability. With in the last couple of years I've been having increasing problems with my legs. It started with numbness now I'm having chronic pain in most of my joints and muscles. My Dr. is kind of a flake and tells me that I should just be happy that my numbers are good. My father even commented that I was hobbling this week. I'm starting to come to the conclusion that I'm not going to be able to do manual labor for many more years and that kind of scares me.
First of all I now that I will be denied, cuz well duh, I have a full time job. With out my full time job I wouldn't be able to pay the mortgage on the house. The one good thing is that when someone finally is declared disabled then "supposably" they get back pay from when they first applied. With my learning disabilities there's no way I could go back to school, hell I got half of the stupid questions wrong on the fucking bloodborne pathogens quiz at the end of the movie today.
Sooo I'm thinking that I should apply now and continue to work for as long as I can. Then when we finish the house, sell it, I probably won't be able to afford the house payment once the fixed rate ends in a couple of years anyway. Then I'm thinking that instead of buying a house in NOLA maybe we should buy a used motor home instead and just travel.
Its just a thought....
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
A confession
I have been out for twenty years and have only been to one, count it, one Pride event. It's not that I didn't want to ever go to one. It's just that the closest one is in Lansing and thats a bit of a drive. Plus I panic and don't like to drive in cities that I'm not familiar. That and I only have two close friends, Angel who is boardering on agoraphobia and doesn't go out much, hell I can't even get him to come to our parties. Then Thurston, we tried to go once but by the time he got his shit together it was late afternoon and most of the events were over.
The time I did go was awesome. It was about 15 yrs ago. My bf at the time had a niece who lived in DC, so we drove down and crashed at her place. She lived not very far from Dupont Circle, which was the gayborhood. We went and marched in the parade, which was a big mistake. It took most of the afternoon of standing around getting everyones shit together before we actually hit the streets. It was sunny and hot and we got majorly sunburned. By the end of the day my face was the color of a tomato. Eartha Kitt was on stage yelling "March! March!" Either before or after the march (I can't remember) we went and smoked a joint by the reflecting pools.
That evening we went and hung out at Dupont Circle with the other Mo's. I had never been around that many other gay men in my life. It was fabulous! We hit a couple of the bars. In the morning I went down to a cool little coffee house to grab a cup of joe and sit and people watch. This cute guy came in who had a back pack covered in pink stickers. One of the stickers said, "BUTT FUCKING IS FUN".
And that is my one and only Pride story.
The time I did go was awesome. It was about 15 yrs ago. My bf at the time had a niece who lived in DC, so we drove down and crashed at her place. She lived not very far from Dupont Circle, which was the gayborhood. We went and marched in the parade, which was a big mistake. It took most of the afternoon of standing around getting everyones shit together before we actually hit the streets. It was sunny and hot and we got majorly sunburned. By the end of the day my face was the color of a tomato. Eartha Kitt was on stage yelling "March! March!" Either before or after the march (I can't remember) we went and smoked a joint by the reflecting pools.
That evening we went and hung out at Dupont Circle with the other Mo's. I had never been around that many other gay men in my life. It was fabulous! We hit a couple of the bars. In the morning I went down to a cool little coffee house to grab a cup of joe and sit and people watch. This cute guy came in who had a back pack covered in pink stickers. One of the stickers said, "BUTT FUCKING IS FUN".
And that is my one and only Pride story.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Dam I missed it again.
Yesterday was my 2 yr. blogiversary. I missed it last year also, oops. I haven't had anything exciting to blog about for awhile and I feel I'm probably boring you all to tears, but hey this is small town life what can ya do. I'm sure as hell not gonna make shit up, I'm truthful to a fault...unfortunately sometimes. Thanks for being apart of my life, your comments mean alot. Actually I'm celebrating several anniversaries this week.
2 yrs. blogging
9 yrs with Scooby
10 yrs being POZ
woo fuckin hoo
I've gotten rid of the word verification since the dam thing won't load the fucking word for the verification. WTF! Don't they now I'm a comment whore....
2 yrs. blogging
9 yrs with Scooby
10 yrs being POZ
woo fuckin hoo
I've gotten rid of the word verification since the dam thing won't load the fucking word for the verification. WTF! Don't they now I'm a comment whore....
Let the insanity begin...
This weekend was quite busy. We worked on siding and got a good portion of the bay window done and got the scary spot on the high part of the of the house finally finished. Sunday we headed to St. Stan's festival and headed immediately for the beer tent. The polka band was in full swing. I love to catch a buzz and watch the little old people dance around....its the simple things in life. Grabbed an elephant ear and ogled men.
This morning I was actually able to get cleaned up "Praise Jeebus" so I climbed back in bed with Scoob and let him fuck me silly early this morning. He dumped two loads in me by the time he was done. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!
Scooby's once a day med regiment is still fucking with him. After he takes his meds he gets dizzy and has extreme abdominal cramps. I dragged him to the store this morning and it was almost to much for him, he almost puked by the time I got him home. He's also been extremely tired.
Our fireworks party is next Monday and I'm making a shit load of food. So far I've planned on making:
1. Potato Salad
2. Taco Salad
3. Deviled eggs
4. relish tray
5. Veggie tray
6. BBQ meatballs
7. Queso with chips (Scooby actually makes that one.)
8. Apple crisp
9. Flag cake
OY! I feel I'm forgetting something. I might do baked beans also. And maybe some kind of cajun dish like Jumbalaya. Scooby's is gonna fill the hotdog steamer with hotdogs also. That and we're gonna have a keg and 15 gal. of cocktails in the drink machine. The fireworks celebration is always 3 days long with the last day being the big fireworks night which is on Monday July 3rd. So I have all weekend to put the food together. Yea!
I bought a bigger kiddie pool this year to put the cold food in and have already started freezing two litre's with water to chill it. The house is an under construction disaster. I'm hoping Scooby will start packing away his tools and shit this week. I've got to make a trip to Gordon's food service for the bbq meatballs and more plates and napkins. Then a trip to the fruit market then I think I'm ready to start making some food. Oh yeah, we gotta go out and get liquor also.
Let the insanity begin...
If anyone reading this is gonna be in the area, your more then welcome to come! The more the merrier! Let me know and I'll give you directions.
This morning I was actually able to get cleaned up "Praise Jeebus" so I climbed back in bed with Scoob and let him fuck me silly early this morning. He dumped two loads in me by the time he was done. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!
Scooby's once a day med regiment is still fucking with him. After he takes his meds he gets dizzy and has extreme abdominal cramps. I dragged him to the store this morning and it was almost to much for him, he almost puked by the time I got him home. He's also been extremely tired.
Our fireworks party is next Monday and I'm making a shit load of food. So far I've planned on making:
1. Potato Salad
2. Taco Salad
3. Deviled eggs
4. relish tray
5. Veggie tray
6. BBQ meatballs
7. Queso with chips (Scooby actually makes that one.)
8. Apple crisp
9. Flag cake
OY! I feel I'm forgetting something. I might do baked beans also. And maybe some kind of cajun dish like Jumbalaya. Scooby's is gonna fill the hotdog steamer with hotdogs also. That and we're gonna have a keg and 15 gal. of cocktails in the drink machine. The fireworks celebration is always 3 days long with the last day being the big fireworks night which is on Monday July 3rd. So I have all weekend to put the food together. Yea!
I bought a bigger kiddie pool this year to put the cold food in and have already started freezing two litre's with water to chill it. The house is an under construction disaster. I'm hoping Scooby will start packing away his tools and shit this week. I've got to make a trip to Gordon's food service for the bbq meatballs and more plates and napkins. Then a trip to the fruit market then I think I'm ready to start making some food. Oh yeah, we gotta go out and get liquor also.
Let the insanity begin...
If anyone reading this is gonna be in the area, your more then welcome to come! The more the merrier! Let me know and I'll give you directions.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
River Roar weekend and St. Stan's
This weekend is River Roar weekend. The buzz of the boats racing on the river started about 9am this morning. The event started Friday and runs through today. The banks of the river were packed with people yesterday as we drove across the bridge. We're not much into the river races, but this weekend is also St. Stan's festival which we will probably go to. We need to get our canival food fix, like polish sausages smothered in peppers and onions on a bun, elephant ears and funnel cakes. YUM!
With all the festivities and living so close to the river there are planes fly over our house every 5-10 minutes with advertising banners which is kind of cool. They must be having helicopter rides also since one keeps landing in the park behind the house, which is getting kind of annoying. After several take offs and landings we begin to flip the helicopter the bird, today I might just mood the noisey bastards.
The plane flying over the house.

Close up of the banner: Deja Vu Showgirls courtesy of our local stripper bar in Saginaw. Nice...I guess thats family values for ya. lol
With all the festivities and living so close to the river there are planes fly over our house every 5-10 minutes with advertising banners which is kind of cool. They must be having helicopter rides also since one keeps landing in the park behind the house, which is getting kind of annoying. After several take offs and landings we begin to flip the helicopter the bird, today I might just mood the noisey bastards.
The plane flying over the house.

Close up of the banner: Deja Vu Showgirls courtesy of our local stripper bar in Saginaw. Nice...I guess thats family values for ya. lol

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
This morning pics

Here's a pic taken this morning of my plants on the front porch.

These are the strawberries that I picked this morning. Haven't really collected enough to use for shortcake or anything but they are excellent in my morning cereal.
Monday, June 19, 2006
weekend recap
Spent this weekend working on siding. Finished up the soffit's on the highest part of the back of the house. Yea! Glad that shit is done. In order to do this I had to harness myself and then tie a rope to a nearby tree and then scale down the side of the lower roof. With out the harness I would of just slid off the lower roof. Fun Fun.
Also worked in the yard a bit pulling weeds. Made a bench along the side of the fence for our upcoming 3rd of July party so people can peer over the fence and people watch. Also pulled out the extension ladder and trimmed up the tree branches that were getting near the power lines. We took a break in the old metal glider in the back corner of the yard. Scooby layed his head on my leg and that got me aroused. So I unbuttoned my shorts and he sucked my cock. I love outdoor sex. The feel of the breaze on my face and body and Scooby's warm mouth gliding up and down on my hard cock was too awesome. I fed him good with a big load.
Saturday evening we went to a friends place for a cookout. They made margaritas that were potent as hell. I had two and then had to switch to beer, so I could bring the buzz down a bit. Then Sunday we headed to Midland to my dad's place and we took him out for lunch for fathers day. Then I worked on his yard a bit speading mulch around his trees ect.. After that we headed to K-Mart to buy shorts that were on sale. Scooby only had one pair that he could wear to work since the rest were all cut offs. So I bought him 3 pairs and myself a pair. I've lost about 10 lbs. since last year and most of mine don't fit anymore.
Then we headed to Mt. Pleasant to hang out with a friend of ours who lives on his grandparents farm. The place is too cool with out buildings which are filled with a treasure trove of old stuff. Scooby found a green Fire King mixing bowl that was in mint condition. Our friend really doesn't know much about antiques so we point out stuff to him that is worth money. We stayed for dinner and then headed home around 10pm. He gave me some trumpet vines that I planted this morning, hopefully they will survive.
And thats about it. Needless to say this weekend was very busy.
Also worked in the yard a bit pulling weeds. Made a bench along the side of the fence for our upcoming 3rd of July party so people can peer over the fence and people watch. Also pulled out the extension ladder and trimmed up the tree branches that were getting near the power lines. We took a break in the old metal glider in the back corner of the yard. Scooby layed his head on my leg and that got me aroused. So I unbuttoned my shorts and he sucked my cock. I love outdoor sex. The feel of the breaze on my face and body and Scooby's warm mouth gliding up and down on my hard cock was too awesome. I fed him good with a big load.
Saturday evening we went to a friends place for a cookout. They made margaritas that were potent as hell. I had two and then had to switch to beer, so I could bring the buzz down a bit. Then Sunday we headed to Midland to my dad's place and we took him out for lunch for fathers day. Then I worked on his yard a bit speading mulch around his trees ect.. After that we headed to K-Mart to buy shorts that were on sale. Scooby only had one pair that he could wear to work since the rest were all cut offs. So I bought him 3 pairs and myself a pair. I've lost about 10 lbs. since last year and most of mine don't fit anymore.
Then we headed to Mt. Pleasant to hang out with a friend of ours who lives on his grandparents farm. The place is too cool with out buildings which are filled with a treasure trove of old stuff. Scooby found a green Fire King mixing bowl that was in mint condition. Our friend really doesn't know much about antiques so we point out stuff to him that is worth money. We stayed for dinner and then headed home around 10pm. He gave me some trumpet vines that I planted this morning, hopefully they will survive.
And thats about it. Needless to say this weekend was very busy.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
Lost in translation
Does anyone that reads this blog understand Chilian/Spanish? I've been getting messages from this guy in Chile from my Hi5 page, but can't understand most of what he's saying. I have a hard enough time with English let alone another language. Does Chile have their own language or do they speak Spanish? HELP!
Here are the messages I've recieved:
hermosos ojos, como para perderse en ellos, felicidades, ALONSO
Ok I know that "ojos" is Spanish for eyes so I would guess that he's commenting me on my eyes. I also get that his name is Alonso. I emailed him back saying that I don't speak Spanish and this is what I got next.
yo tampoco hablo mucho ingles, pero creo que eso no es importante, ALONSO
something something "much English", something something "not important",
I'm totally lost...
Here are the messages I've recieved:
hermosos ojos, como para perderse en ellos, felicidades, ALONSO
Ok I know that "ojos" is Spanish for eyes so I would guess that he's commenting me on my eyes. I also get that his name is Alonso. I emailed him back saying that I don't speak Spanish and this is what I got next.
yo tampoco hablo mucho ingles, pero creo que eso no es importante, ALONSO
something something "much English", something something "not important",
I'm totally lost...
Weekend recap
I've been trying to cut out/down on the caffeine. Haven't had coffee since Thursday and I'm dragging ass. But I haven't had to take xanax to get to sleep either which is a good thing. The Xanax use goes in spurts, I go for a week or two being able to get to sleep without it. Then a week on because I can't get to sleep. ARRGG!
Yesterday I actually took a nap for an hour and felt some what refreshed. This was an odd feeling cuz first of all I normally can't sleep during the day let alone feel refreshed if I do.
I also was going to try and quit drinking this weekend. I don't drink alot mind you, normally a couple of 40 oz. beers sometimes three. Friday I didn't have anything. Saturday I had to run to the store for hamburger buns and couldn't resist and picked up a couple 40's. Drank half of one on Saturday along with a couple of peachtini's and half a bottle of Hungarian red wine (my fav). Then Sunday I finished the rest of the first 40, which I think induced my nap that afternoon along with the fumes from the bathtub reglazing we had done that morning/afternoon. It looks beautiful btw. That night we went to a friends to watch Brokeback Mountain (I know, finally), and there I had a couple of shots of 1800 Tequila with a 12 oz. beer chaser. I caught bits and pieces of the movie since everyone kept talking through it.
We got all kinds of events going on this Summer. The Tall ships are returning the end of July and either the weekend before or after is the Bike bash. Can't wait to see all the studds on their motorcycles. WOOF!

Here is a pic of our bathtub with its new shiny finish. Pretty pretty.

This is the really cool flooring that we found under the tub when we first moved it a few months ago.
Yesterday I actually took a nap for an hour and felt some what refreshed. This was an odd feeling cuz first of all I normally can't sleep during the day let alone feel refreshed if I do.
I also was going to try and quit drinking this weekend. I don't drink alot mind you, normally a couple of 40 oz. beers sometimes three. Friday I didn't have anything. Saturday I had to run to the store for hamburger buns and couldn't resist and picked up a couple 40's. Drank half of one on Saturday along with a couple of peachtini's and half a bottle of Hungarian red wine (my fav). Then Sunday I finished the rest of the first 40, which I think induced my nap that afternoon along with the fumes from the bathtub reglazing we had done that morning/afternoon. It looks beautiful btw. That night we went to a friends to watch Brokeback Mountain (I know, finally), and there I had a couple of shots of 1800 Tequila with a 12 oz. beer chaser. I caught bits and pieces of the movie since everyone kept talking through it.
We got all kinds of events going on this Summer. The Tall ships are returning the end of July and either the weekend before or after is the Bike bash. Can't wait to see all the studds on their motorcycles. WOOF!

Here is a pic of our bathtub with its new shiny finish. Pretty pretty.

This is the really cool flooring that we found under the tub when we first moved it a few months ago.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Summer plans and Scooby goes to the Dr.
Well we've decided that we're going to go to leather weekend at Camp It in July. Its been a year or two since we've been camping. Thought we'd go and check out all the changes to the campground. You have to give them credit, they've been doing alot to update the place with a pool and new shower rooms and all. I still miss the dirty little place it use to be though and picking the drunk drag queens out of the mud puddles.
We're also planning our annual 4th of July Party. Except this year the big fireworks night is going to be on Monday the 3rd, so I guess you can call it a 3rd of July Party. This year we're planning on having a keg also along with the 15 gallons of cocktails in the drink machine. OIY
And last but not least, We've decided to go for Southern Decadence down in NOLA on Labour Day weekend. I got an excellent deal with Airtran and we're supposed to stay with the Crisco Kid while we're down there. It's been years since we flew. It'll be nice to be there the same day though instead of the two day car ride. Plus no harrassing Mississippi police.
After a couple of years of me bitching, complaining and hand holding, Scooby has finally went back to the Doctor. His t-cells were about 200 and viral load was 45,000. Now he's back on meds and back to being sick and throwing up. I really don't know how to feel about this.
UPDATE: Scooby only threw up the first day and thinks the side effects aren't too bad compared to past drug therapies.
We're also planning our annual 4th of July Party. Except this year the big fireworks night is going to be on Monday the 3rd, so I guess you can call it a 3rd of July Party. This year we're planning on having a keg also along with the 15 gallons of cocktails in the drink machine. OIY
And last but not least, We've decided to go for Southern Decadence down in NOLA on Labour Day weekend. I got an excellent deal with Airtran and we're supposed to stay with the Crisco Kid while we're down there. It's been years since we flew. It'll be nice to be there the same day though instead of the two day car ride. Plus no harrassing Mississippi police.
After a couple of years of me bitching, complaining and hand holding, Scooby has finally went back to the Doctor. His t-cells were about 200 and viral load was 45,000. Now he's back on meds and back to being sick and throwing up. I really don't know how to feel about this.
UPDATE: Scooby only threw up the first day and thinks the side effects aren't too bad compared to past drug therapies.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
And the answer is
C. A Lean Cuisene pizza
Congrats Drub for the right answer. I'm offering myself for the prize, you can do with me what you will.
This pizza has been sitting out behind my building at work for at least a couple of months, rain or shine it doesn't get any worse for wear. As the story goes the department head stuck it in the microwave for 9 minutes instead of the recommended 3-4 minutes and voila....charcoal. I do not recommend this as it did ruin the microwave. The crap that shot out of the back of the microwave permanently soiled the wall with a yellow substance that I can not scrub off with any type of cleaner. So there you have it the story behind the black blob of crap.
Return of the Cop
I was on the computer Monday on Gay.com which is normally a big yawn. But I got IM'ed from someone without a pic, of course. I'm thinking its probably a bot, but when I'm bored I occasionally humor myself and answer back.
Unknown person: Hey how have you been?
Me: good
Unknown: Was thinking of stopping by today.
Me: Do I know you?
Unknown: I'm the cop
Me: Oh hey, well come on over
So a little while later he shows up and we head right for the bedroom and get to business. He goes right into the talk.
Cop: You want this cock don't you.
Me: yes
C: Suck it!
Me: mfmhph
C: Lick my balls! yeah thats good.
C: Jack your cock! Show it to me! yeah
C: You want to cum don't you!
Me: yeafph
C: You'll cum when I tell you!
Then something new happens... He leans down and starts to suck my cock. Thinking of the traffic tickets I've gotten in the past, I grab his head and with reckless abandon take all my past agressions out on his mouth. I get close and pull out. He orders me to cum on him and I do. Then I'm back to sucking his cock again. He orders me to stop and holds my head down on his cock and he blows stream after stream, filling my mouth with his hot spunk. My head pressed against his stomach my forehead gets smeared with my own spent seed. I lick him clean and we get dressed and he leaves.
And that was my Monday, how was yours?
Congrats Drub for the right answer. I'm offering myself for the prize, you can do with me what you will.
This pizza has been sitting out behind my building at work for at least a couple of months, rain or shine it doesn't get any worse for wear. As the story goes the department head stuck it in the microwave for 9 minutes instead of the recommended 3-4 minutes and voila....charcoal. I do not recommend this as it did ruin the microwave. The crap that shot out of the back of the microwave permanently soiled the wall with a yellow substance that I can not scrub off with any type of cleaner. So there you have it the story behind the black blob of crap.
Return of the Cop
I was on the computer Monday on Gay.com which is normally a big yawn. But I got IM'ed from someone without a pic, of course. I'm thinking its probably a bot, but when I'm bored I occasionally humor myself and answer back.
Unknown person: Hey how have you been?
Me: good
Unknown: Was thinking of stopping by today.
Me: Do I know you?
Unknown: I'm the cop
Me: Oh hey, well come on over
So a little while later he shows up and we head right for the bedroom and get to business. He goes right into the talk.
Cop: You want this cock don't you.
Me: yes
C: Suck it!
Me: mfmhph
C: Lick my balls! yeah thats good.
C: Jack your cock! Show it to me! yeah
C: You want to cum don't you!
Me: yeafph
C: You'll cum when I tell you!
Then something new happens... He leans down and starts to suck my cock. Thinking of the traffic tickets I've gotten in the past, I grab his head and with reckless abandon take all my past agressions out on his mouth. I get close and pull out. He orders me to cum on him and I do. Then I'm back to sucking his cock again. He orders me to stop and holds my head down on his cock and he blows stream after stream, filling my mouth with his hot spunk. My head pressed against his stomach my forehead gets smeared with my own spent seed. I lick him clean and we get dressed and he leaves.
And that was my Monday, how was yours?
What is it?

A. A crashed UFO
B. A cowpie (Cow turd)
C. A Lean Cuisine Pizza
D. A Mushroom
E. Your guess
Next post:The answer and Return of the cop.
Monday, June 05, 2006
The end of Iris season

Here are a couple of my iris plants. When I first got my house my parents gave me the purple ones, now I have them scattered through out the yard. This year they weren't as bountiful as they usually are. Normally the front fence is peppered with them.
The yellow ones were here when I moved in but everything was so overgrown that they didn't bloom for several years.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Mr. BC sighting
I think I saw "BC" Saturday morning at the flea market. It has been a year or two and he was a bit older and little more frumpier, no mustache, but still had those peircing eyes. That's what made me think it was him.
Would I still do him....fuck yeah! We made eye contact several times, hopefully he got the hint that I'm still around and still interested. He was busy talking to several people so I didn't approach him. I'm hoping that he'll be down again next Saturday so I can slip him my #.
Man I would kill just to get another glimpse of his big fuckin horse cock.....
Would I still do him....fuck yeah! We made eye contact several times, hopefully he got the hint that I'm still around and still interested. He was busy talking to several people so I didn't approach him. I'm hoping that he'll be down again next Saturday so I can slip him my #.
Man I would kill just to get another glimpse of his big fuckin horse cock.....
Friday, June 02, 2006
Equal opportunity lust machine
I haven't mentioned him yet but we've had a real hot guy working on our air conditioning at work lately. He's short with a tight body and fucking ruggedly handsome. He's been in at least once a week for the last three weeks. Today I was watching him walk out to his work van and thought, man I'd like to eat his ass and lick the sweat off his balls, lick his whole fuckin body for that matter.... Lust lust lust...
I love men! I love summer when the men are all shirtless. I love shirtless guys in trucks, like the one I saw drive by today. Furry, smooth, tall, short, lightly tanned, pale and pasty, tattoo'd or not, I fuckin love em all.
I'm an equal opportunity lust machine.
I love men! I love summer when the men are all shirtless. I love shirtless guys in trucks, like the one I saw drive by today. Furry, smooth, tall, short, lightly tanned, pale and pasty, tattoo'd or not, I fuckin love em all.
I'm an equal opportunity lust machine.
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