Sunday, July 30, 2006

Welcome to the Cat House

After several years of having Puddy (Mr. Poo) Scooby and I regretted not taking home one of his brothers from the pound also so he could have a companion. Needless to say Puddy has never been around any other cats. Until now....

Both Scooby and the Vet told me to expect other kittens to show up at my building at work after I took home Kiddo. We kind of played with the idea of taking home another one if one were to show up. Well...... Thursday another kitty showed up and he was the cutest little one. White with a black tail and black spots. Thursday he was kind of a free spirit/ wild child and I didn't have my pet carrier with me so I didn't take him home. I figured I'd leave it up to fate.

Friday I came to work with kitty food and the pet carrier. Spent hours inbetween cleaning, looking out the windows and going outside looking for the little one, but nothing. About 7:30pm I walked outside and saw the little one coming from one of the busiest intersections in Midland. I yelled for him and crouched down and he came running to me. So needless to say I brought him home also and kitty makes three. But thats it no more. We have Puddy and now brothers Kiddo and Clyde. Puddy had just started warming up to Kiddo then a week later came Clyde. He wasn't too happy but has been warming up to the second quicker then he did the first one. Plus the two little ones are busy playing with each other and don't bother Puddy to much.

Here are some pics of our new family.

The little ones taking a nap inbetween my legs.


Anonymous said...

Clyde is even cuter than Kiddo, if that's possible. How are you going to resist the rest of the litter as they show up at work one by one? ;-)

Will said...

Clearly, these little boy cats instinctively know the best place in the house to curl up for their naps. :-)

Homer said...

Ohmigod, you have a pussy(s) between your legs!

Michael said...

Thats the only pussy you'll find between my legs. lol