Thursday, November 10, 2005

Why I don't garden in the front yard on a weekday

Just to get you up to speed, I live on a busy corner with a stop light. Several years ago I was out in the front yard on my hands and knees pulling weeds out of one of my planting beds with my back facing the road. I was wearing an old t-shirt that had shrunk and didn't overlap my shorts.

A school bus full of elementary school kids pulls up and stops at the light in front of the house. Its a warm day and they have all the windows down on the bus. All of a sudden I hear one of the kids loudly say in a sing song type way,

"I can see your butt crack".

I turn around just as the entire bus load of kids start hilariously laughing and pointing at me. I wave and luckily the light turns green and the bus takes off.

And that is why I no longer garden in the front yard on a weekday.


Will said...

Damn! And I was planning a drive-by this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Me too, Will, but it sounds like we're too late!

Michael said...

On the contrary gentlemen. I don't flash my ass crack just during the week.

Weekends you'll find me in the front yard flashing to whoever wants to see my lily white ass. LOL

Anonymous said...

All you need is a little butt-spackle, and you'll be totally ready for any viewings in the public. Be proud of your butt crack!