Monday, August 14, 2006

Gremlins, Deer camp, and the new roomate

I don't know if I've mentioned this but stuff is disappearing around the house. The first thing I noticed was an small antique pitcher that I used to water some of my small house plants. It disappeared before our 4th of July party and still has not turned up. The second was our friends house keys that we keep cuz he's out of town alot and has us stop in to check on things. Luckily we did find those after a day or two of hunting. Now I can't find my fucking flogger. God we just used it about a week or so ago. I spent some time today looking under furniture and in cabinets but nothing so far. We've been blaming this on gremlins or mischievious ghosts. I guess I need to burn some sage soon, that is suppose to get rid of stuff like that. It's probably just us though, our house is somewhat cluttered and we're are loosing our minds so things get lost pretty easily.

Yesterday we went to our friends families deercamp. This was the same friend that wanted us to go to his families beach house in last weekends fiasco. The deercamp house was very impressive. It was more like a hunting lodge than a typical deercamp, with tall ceilings and stuffed deer heads and antlers everywhere. He wanted us to go check out the pond that is on the property which was down this trail. 75% of the trial was well kept and mowed, the last 25% of the trail was a muddy bog. There was an old trail of palets but most were rotted and gone. If we'd had known the condition of the trail we'd of worn more protective foot and leg wear. Poor Scooby wore sandals. We finally reached the dock that went out into the pond, but all that consisted of was more palets that were semirotted. I'm surprised none of us didn't fall in. It was fun and adventurous all the same. We did find a couple of piles of field stones and took a couple home for the back yard.

Our new tennant is a landscaper so he's been bringing all kinds of plants to add to the yard. Now I'm going to have to get in the habit of watering occasionally. He also is very tidy and got after Scooby about his clutter and helped him straighten up today. The best so far was when he came down this morning shirtless with his lean furry body all exposed. Fuckin YUM!!! I think I'm gonna like this....


Anonymous said...

I'm missing a bottle of Ketchup... Maybe your gremlin got it too...

Michael said...

I wouldn't doubt it.